Monday, January 7, 2013

Referendum Update- January 2013

Happy New Year!  I hope that 2013 brings many great things for you and your families.  The purpose of this article is to notify the residents of the Prairie Farm School District that we have to accelerate our referendum planning and proposal to be ready to bring a question to voters for this April’s election.  This is a result of the fact that there are no elections planned for the fall of 2013 when we had initially planned on conducting a referendum to replace the two that are set to expire at the end of the 2013-2014 school year.  The rationale behind this decision is that the district will still have the opportunity to bring the question to voters a second time in the event the first attempt fails this spring; in addition, we will not have to conduct a special election which would cause district taxpayers to incur the additional cost of paying for polling workers, ballots, and all of the other costs associated with conducting a special election.  The board and administration is currently working out some of the details of the proposed referendum question and I intend to provide information to the community as it becomes available through the news media and by conducting public meetings in the near future.  At this time, I do know that the board intends to propose one referendum question which would replace the two we currently have out totaling $450,000.00 (one for $200,000.00 and the most recent one for $250,000.00); however, I do not know specifically the quantity we will seek or the duration.  It is safe to assume that the new referendum would at a minimum replace the $450,000.00 we currently have; in addition, the board will NOT seek a recurring referendum rather a non-recurring and would decide on a reasonable time frame of 3 to 5 years.  Taxpayers should also note that the final building bond the district is currently paying will have been paid in full by April of 2014 which means that the district will have no debt payments when the new referendum (if passed) is in place beginning the 2014-2015 school year.   

The district will provide all of the relevant figures to residents in the coming weeks and months.  There will also be further correspondence regarding the dates, times, and places of informational meetings regarding the referendum and its potential impact to taxpayers.     

As always, please feel free to contact me anytime.


Craig G. Broeren
District Administrator
715-455-1683 ext. 119

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