Thursday, October 13, 2011

2011 Speak Up Survey

Calling all K-12 Students, Educators & Parents
We are pleased to announce that the ninth annual Speak Up surveys are now open for input from K-12 students, parents, teachers, librarians and administrators. Speak Up is your way to have your voice – and the voice of all education stakeholders – impact local, state and national policies and programs on education and technology. In these challenging budget times, Speak Up is more important than ever.

To take the survey yourself or have your students take the survey, please visit: and access the online surveys using your school or district "secret word" password: panthers

Since 2003, over 30,000 schools have participated in Speak Up. Be part of the Speak Up movement – sign up your school or district today!

Why participate in Speak Up? No other survey research project is like Speak Up!
Speak Up is facilitated annually by Project Tomorrow. This is our nonprofit mission to do this for schools and districts as a 100% free service.
Every school and district (public, private, charter etc) is eligible to participate with no limit on participants. Just need to register to participate!
Have your students, parents and staff take the surveys and you will get you’re your own local data plus the national data for benchmarks.
National data is shared with Congress, US Department of Education and many state governors’ offices. No local data is shared though – we are not in the “gotcha” business.
All data is 100% confidential.
All surveys are online making it quick and easy to administer. Take the 20 minute survey at home, at school, anywhere with an Internet connection.
No need to write your own surveys! All of the benefits with Speak Up with none of the time or costs involved on your part.

This year's audience specific surveys include questions on teaching and learning with technology, and new emerging technology issues such as mobile devices, blended learning, and digital content and learning games. Plus new questions about online assessments and funding for education technology!